Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Failure is just that thing trying to move you in another direction

Summary of a video clip (link below).

There are no mistakes. We all get flustered and stressed, wanting something to be what it isn’t. Sometimes, we get off track, we get in the wrong marriage, the wrong relationship, take the wrong job, but there are no wrong paths. There’s no such thing as failure really, because failure is just that thing, trying to move you in another direction.

We get as much from our losses, as we do from our victories because the losses are there to wake us up.

The losses are to say, "Fool, that is why you make a change!" When we’re not at ease with ourselves, when we're feeling like oh, oh, — that is the cue that we need to be moving in another direction.

How do we turn around?

Ask yourself this: what is the next right move?

And then from that space make the next right move and the next right move and not to be overwhelmed by it because you know your life is bigger than that one moment. Know you’re not defined by what somebody says is a failure for you because failure is just there to point you in a different direction. And make your next move, one step at a time.

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