Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I’m learning to commit...

I've been very down about my weight. I work hard at eating right - healthy and in moderate portions - but like many people, the weight just won't budge. It's more likely for me to see an increase on the scale rather than a loss. Even when I do finally get that scale to move down, the weight can come back in a flash - with extra!  I am a fairly active person; I play tennis 3-5 times a week, and walk, go to the gym, hike, and more. Everyone who knows me tells me I eat healthier than anyone they know. I make dishes with lots of fresh veggies, very little sugar, and primarily whole ingredients. I actually paid a life coach (former trainer) a couple weeks ago, thinking I would walk away with the magic formula to finally make my weight loss happen, as if it would start the moment I walked out of her place. She was very sympathetic, and maybe she actually did hit on something, because she asked me to make up a plan, and she followed up and asked me what is my plan, and she has texted me asking for a date when I will share my plan with her. And it made me sit down and think about it. I opened the computer, and checked email. (Better than Facebook, which can suck me in for hours!) There was a message from Christine Kane, a coach who helps people succeed in business. I don't have a business, but I almost always read her posts and watch her free webinars. They are a quick, easy read, packed with helpful gems for success in life. And who knows, one of these days, I might get a business idea off the ground. Like my writing. But I digress. One line in her message today really jumped out at me: "I’m learning to commit. Today is another day. And with eyes wide open, I begin imperfectly."

I copied that section. And read it again. I was starving. I went to the fridge several times, and finally remembered my protein shake mix that my son rescued from my aggressive purging of the pantry the day before. Perfect! Feeling accomplished already, I sat down at the computer, and decided to start logging my food. Opening MyFitnessPal, I stumbled on a workout plan. Day 1! Perfect timing. And one thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I downloaded a plan to train for a half marathon. In 18 weeks. And guess what is happening 18 weeks from now? A half-marathon right here in town!

Not wanting to lose momentum, I put on my running shorts and shoes, and headed outside, only to realize it was 85 sweltering degrees outside. On November 1. We just don't get many moderate weather days here. It's ridiculously hot from March through October, and bone chilling cold December through February. If we are lucky, we get a 1-2 week Spring and Fall with actual Spring and Fall temperatures that the rest of the country takes for granted. I walked around the driveway, debating whether to wait for a more reasonable temperature later tonight. No, I decided to go for it. It's only a mile. And I'm learning to commit! So off I went. When I came home, I put it on Facebook for all the world to see. I'm committing to running a half marathan in 18 weeks. The support has started pouring in. I sat down and studied the plan. I put it in a spreadsheet, and added up the miles for each week. I realized I misread the first run, and instead of 1/2 mile, I ran a mile. I'm already ahead! In light of my fitness, I realize I can start at week 2, and just repeat it twice.

I signed up for a local 5k that also happens to correspond with my first scheduled 3 mile run. My husband and son signed up with me. I look at those days when I start to do 5 mile runs, then 6, and all the way up to 12, and I wonder if I can do it. I'm sure some days will be harder than others. And I'll just tell myself: I’m learning to commit. Today is another day. And with eyes wide open, I continue imperfectly.


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