Showing posts with label supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supplements. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Proven Supplements for Brain Health

Our health depends on our diet and lifestyle more than anything else. No amount of supplements will compensate for poor diet and lack of exercise. However, we cannot get all we need from food. 

A note about the difference between endogenous supplements and exogenous ones. The endogenous supplements exist in our bodies and in our daily food. We can and should take the appropriate ones for the rest of our lives. The exogenous ones do not exist in our bodies or in our daily food. The effects from these only last about six months or so, and then are no longer effective. All herbs are exogenous and have no benefit after about six months.

These are the endogenous supplements I take for memory health and Alzheimer's prevention (in addition to these supplements):
  • PS (phosphatidyl serine) 100 mg
  • Pregnenolone 25 mg
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) 500 mg
  • Fish Oil 1,000 (3x a day)
  • Coenzyme Q10 100 mg
  • Carnosine 500 mg
  • Lecithin 1200 mg
  • Vitamin E 200 IU (I take 400 IU every other day)
Below is a bit more information about each that I've researched from reliable sources: 

PS (phosphatidyl serine) 100 mg is an excellent brain, memory, and cognition supplement that helps prevent senility and Alzheimer's. Use with pregnenolone and ALC.  There is good science behind PS, especially with regard to strokes, senility, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Alzheimer's. PS is an important building block of brain tissue, and the most important lipid to maintain cell structure. It is only in the few years that this has become available to us inexpensively from soybeans. It is still somewhat costly, as the wholesale price is about $1,800 a kilogram. You need to take 100 mg of PS every day after the age of 40 to keep your brain at peak functioning. You can find sixty capsules of this for as little as $20 if you shop around. The price will come down somewhat as technology improves. 

Pregnenolone is THE most powerful memory enhancer known to science and the most important brain hormone, and falls after the age of about 40 in men and women. Men can take 50 mg, and women should take 25 mg.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 mg (ALC) has much science on it for extending the length and quality  of our lives, especially brain health. Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) is the acetyl derivative of regular carnitine, and is absorbed much better. No matter how good your diet is, your ALC levels will fall as you age. ALC is important for fatty acid oxidation and therefore energy production. ALC helps stop oxidative damage from free radicals and therefore has anti-aging properties. It is part of the central nervous systems nerve transmission, conduction, repair and general function. Human studies have found benefits from such varied conditions as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, to HIV and more benefits are being found as research continues. ALC is integral to brain metabolism, and many studies have been done here. The most important use is for good brain health and metabolism. Taking ALC 500 to 1,000 mg a day supports good memory, cognition, learning, clear thinking, sound sleep, nerve transmission, and other neuroprotective benefits. There is no reason to take more. As part of a program to prevent senility, Alzheimers, dementia, memory loss, and impaired thought, ALC promotes the production of acetylcholine, which is neuro-protective. Alzheimers patients have shown low acetyl-choline levels generally.

Fish (or flax) oil is another supplement for good brain metabolism as these raise blood DHA (docohexaneoic acid) levels.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Everyone over the age of 40 should take CoQ10, as our blood levels fall as we age. It is a “coenzyme” which means it catalyzes the activities of other enzymes. CoQ10 is very important for energy production thru forming ATP. This powerful antioxidant has important anti-aging properties with many and varied benefits. There is almost none in our food. Our blood and tissue levels fall severely as we age. Cancer patients often show low levels of CoQ10, and it has shown promise in preventing Alzheimer's and senility. Do not buy ubiquinol! It is often sold as a cheap and ineffective version of CoQ10. You must take this with your flax oil, or with your meals, for better absorption.

Carnosine is an amino acid is found in our muscles, heart and brain. Our carnosine levels fall as we age. We can make this from other amino acids, but we need supplements as we age. This is now being investigated for preventing senility and Alzheimer's, as patients have low serum and brain levels. Everyone over 40 should take at least one 500 mg capsule a day. 

Lecithin is very much involved in brain metabolism as is PS. This is a good supplement to take as part of a comprehensive program to prevent senility, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and cognitive loss. It is also involved in the nervous system and nerve cell transmission, cell communication and regeneration. Lecithin is inexpensive and widely available. Take a 1,200 mg softgel every day.

Vitamin E Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, heart attack, dementia, immunity, macular degeneration, various skin conditions, cataracts, the aging process, lupus, and various cancers all indicate vitamin E deficiency as one of the causes. You should buy a brand with all four natural mixed tocopherols, instead of the cheap alpha-only tocopherol. Do not use the tocotrienols from palm oil. 200 IU is enough. Do not take large doses, as this is a fat soluble vitamin that will accumulate in the liver.